George Street Dog Park Timeline

George Street Dog Park Timeline


This timeline is accurate to the best of my knowledge. However, I may add to this in the future. I have some information to go through from my FOIL requests and I am awaiting more information. Depending on what information I receive and the volume of information, I may either update this timeline or add another post. 

Also please note, I of course did not include ALL information posted or all posts from the George Street Dog Park Facebook group. However, I did include everything that I thought was relevant. There has been minor drama at the dog park, but I tried to include what I thought spoke to the issue at hand with the village board.

 2012- According to an article in Patch, the dog park was opened. This was the second dog run in Babylon Village, as the location at Locust Avenue already existed. 

September 2016- I purchased my home on George St. in Babylon Village. I closed on the home September 12, 2016.

December 2016– I fostered Eli, whom I ultimately decided to adopt a few weeks later. 

Me and Eli- our first “official” picture as a family

January 2017– I became a regular at the George St. Dog Park. We attended several times a week. Throughout the next several years, Eli and I made many friends at the park. While Eli enjoyed sniffing and running with the other dogs, I came to know many of my neighbors and learned a lot about my new hometown. There is a distinct sense of community here. People have brought dog bowls to the park which remain in the enclosure and often bring water for the pups to drink. People also bring and leave toys and tennis balls for the dogs to play with. I joined the George Street Dog Park group on Facebook and found a further sense of community. Additionally, my mother comes and takes Eli out during the day when I am at work, especially when I have a commitment after work. As she is unable to walk long distances, the park is ideal for her as a way to let Eli get exercise. Additionally, my mom also makes friends at the park and gets to know several people in the dog park community. 

Eli Loves making friends and playing at the park! I enjoy making friends at the park, too!

March 2020- Babylon Village locked the dog park and closed other parks and public spaces in an effort to mitigate the COVID-19 pandemic. 

“What is a pandemic?” Eli asks.

June 2020- Babylon village reopened access to the dog parks. The dogs of Babylon rejoice!

May 4 2021- I became aware of an issue with the dog park where an individual who resides in Whalers Cove had become aggressive and hostile towards users of the park. He threatened to shut down the park to people who were peacefully using the park. I made a Facebook post about this in the George Street Dog Park Facebook group.  Mayor Adams comments that night that “I am in the process of a solution that will benefit those visiting the park as well as the residents of whalers cove.” 

The text of my post. It looks a little tight because I wanted to get everything in the screen but it shows the whole post.
This is Mayor Adams’ comments on the matter and my mom’s comment at the bottom. Mayor Adams listed her cell phone number, so I decided to black that out. This number is listed on a number of public forums but out of respect I did not want to share it. The code enforcement number is a public number. The bottom comment is my mom. I removed anyone else’s name from further posts.

May 6 2021- Presumably in response to complaints from Whalers Cove, Babylon Village Code enforcement begins locking the dog park at night 30 minutes after sundown and opening the park at 8am. I speak to Mayor Adams about this and I also post on the facebook group.

My original post on May 6 with the first couple of comments. I redacted the names of anyone who is not me, Mayor Adams, or a member of my immediate family.

May 7 2021- Mayor Adams comments on my post from May 6. Her comments include that the George Street Dog Park was designed as “an added value” to the village, that “there is no intention to remove or relocate the dog park” and that “any type of threatening or disruptive behavior will not be tolerated.” 

As far as I know, to date no one has been given a summons for interfering with people’s enjoyment of the park. What changed? Why has Mayor Adams changed her stance on this issue from her original statement that there was no intention to remove the dog park? And if she was willing to change her mind once, why not again?

May 31 2021- Someone steals the bowls from the dog park. I have a pretty strong suspicion who, but nothing can be proven.

I have redacted the name of the person who posted this.

June 3- 2021 Another dog bowl is stolen from the park. A day later, Babylon public safety donates two water bowls. The dogs are grateful! I will admit that people start speculating about the individual who has taken these water bowls and making suggestions about what else he might do. However, this is speculation and is done because this individual has been acting in a threatening manner, making people uncomfortable, seemingly without consequence. Also, nothing has ever been proven against this individual, but he clearly wants the dog park shut down.

The name of the poster has been redacted.

November 2 2021- There is an incident at the dog park where an individual (the same individual mentioned in prior posts) verbally threatens someone using the dog park.

I have removed the name of the person who posted this as well as references to this person’s profession. None of the redactions include foul language- I just did not want to publicly give information to identify this individual.

December 13 2021- While talking to another user of the dog park, I hear a rumor that some residents of Whalers cove will be attending the village board meeting to complain about the dog park and ask that it be shut down.

December 14 2021- At this point, I do not fully understand how village board meetings work. I text Mayor Adams and ask her if it is true that the George Street Dog Park will be discussed and she says no. However, I receive a text from the same friend from the dog park telling me many people from whalers cove are in attendance. When they open the public portion of the meeting, many people speak out against the dog park. I am appalled at what I am hearing. I do feel sorry for some people who have been distressed by the noise, but many of the allegations I hear seem wildly exaggerated to me. For example, some people claim that the dogs bark all night and starting at 6:30 am. This is inaccurate. The dog park is locked 30 minutes after sundown and is not unlocked until 8:00 am.

The board had proposed to build a large fence between the condominiums and the dog park to try to buffer the noise, but all residents of whalers cove reject this. I also have some concerns about this, but would gladly support efforts to keep the park in the field and mitigate the noise.

I decide to get up and speak, along with one other person in attendance. I explain why I love the dog park and why I believe the board should maintain this park. I did not prepare remarks in advance, but I could not keep quiet. I later post on the Facebook group informing people of this and I decide to ask people to attend the subsequent meeting to speak in terms of the dog park.

January 11 2022- The next village board meeting. In the days leading up, there are some posts on Facebook and online implying this issue will be discussed at the board meeting and recapping some of the complaints. I attend along with several other park users. We all speak about what the park means to us and why we would be devastated to see it go. I give some fairly long-winded remarks. Here is a copy of what I said: Remarks on George Street Dog Park 1/11/22 As I mention in that google document, the board made no indication that they intended to vote on this issue or that they were considering closing the park. The remarks are also shared on Home in Babylon here.

January 20 2022- I receive a call from Lisa Tripp in the Mayor’s office asking for my email address. I give my email and am soon sent the village letter that the board has voted to close the Dog Park.

I post this on the Facebook page and explain that I am devastated. I also explain that I intend to fight against this decision.

Later that night, I speak with Mayor Adams on the phone. She tells me that this was a public safety issue and meant to protect the village from liability. She expresses dismay about how some people have spoken to her. I tell her, politely, that I have never been anything other than respectful in my interactions and while I cannot control the actions of others, I can speak for myself and that this decision will have a significant and negative impact on my quality of life and the quality of life of so many others who use this park. I inform her I intend to do everything I can to get the board to change their minds.

January 21-24- I decide to organize a petition and plan to present to the board in hopes of convincing them to change their minds.

January 25 2022– I present my petition to the Babylon Village board with 204 signatures, including 162 from Babylon Village. I also present prepared remarks which you can see here: Remarks on George Street Dog Park 1/25/22. In this google doc, I include a summary of the meeting. I am disappointed that I am not permitted to ask questions of trustees on the board, but they assure me if I send an email they will get back to me.

When I asked for a response to my petition, Mayor Adams began to say that a decision had already been made, but then changed course and said I could call her at the end of the week.

January 26 2022- I send the board members an email further commenting on the dog park issue and asking them to get back to me.

Feb 2 2022– I decided not to call Mayor Adams towards the end of the week for a few reasons. First, with the impending storm I wanted to be mindful of her need to prepare. Additionally, I wanted to give the board members time to read the petition and consider the comments. I wanted to wait until after the board had the opportunity to meet during a work session to discuss the issue. Mayor Adams tells me the board is taking the petition under consideration. At this point, I reiterate my willingness to work to help find a compromise. I tell Mayor Adams I would be happy to sit down with all interested parties and try to work together to establish a solution that might benefit us all.

Feb 8 2022- At the Babylon Village Board meeting, I present 65 additional signatures to my petition. I also address the board once again asking them to reconsider and laying out additional reasons why I oppose this plan. I explain safety concerns and the reasons why this park is such an essential part of the community. Please see my remarks here: Remarks on George Street Dog Park 2/8/22

I also submit a proposed compromise to move the dog park back in the field here.

Feb 9 2022-  Mayor Adams calls me and tells me that the board’s decision regarding the George Street Dog Park is final and they will not be changing their minds. Less than 24 hours after receiving my proposal for a compromise, it is rejected.

For a few days after this, I felt very upset. I was devastated. It felt so callous that the board voted to remove a popular and well loved dog park, had decided to reward aggressive and threatening behavior, and did not seem empathetic to the fact that this will significantly and negatively impact my quality of life.  Yes, I am aware that there are worse things happening in the world, but this felt very unfair to me. 

Although I am disappointed and disheartened by the decision of the board and their failure to reconsider, I am not discouraged. When I think of all the people in history whom I admire, I cannot imagine a single one of them simply shrugging their soldiers and giving up so easily. Once again, I do not want to have a difficult relationship with the board and it breaks my heart that this has happened. But I cannot in good conscience stop this effort because one Mayor and three trustees who will not communicate with me say no to my petition. 

Related media coverage:

Newsday Article 12/30/22: Condo complex residents in Babylon Village upset over ‘noisy’ dog park and want it moved

Babylon Beacon Article 1/4/22: Babylon Village residents plead with board—for and against—dog park


Home in Babylon Post featuring my remarks 1/12/22: IN DEFENSE OF THE GEORGE STREET DOG PARK



Babylon Beacon Article 1/21/22 Babylon Village Board to close dog park on George Street and renovate and expand Locust Avenue location

Patch Article 1/21/22: Babylon Village Announces George Street Dog Park Will Close

Patch Article 1/24/22: Babylon Village Residents Create Petition In Support Of Dog Park

Newsday Article 1/25/22: Babylon Village set to close popular George Street dog park

Mayor Adams’ op-ed in the Babylon Beacon 2/10/22: PUBLIC COMMENTARY: Babylon Dog Park decision is not about dogs

Babylon Beacon Article 2/10/22: Babylon Village decision to close dog park raises residents’ ire

Babylon Beacon Article 2/17/22: Supporters of George Street dog park continue to press board to keep it open